Hello Pinterest!

When it comes to social media, it is quite vital to be involved from a business point-of-view. I feel I've managed to master Facebook and I'm not too bad at Instagram either. Next on the to-do list was Pinterest and I can finally say I've gotten around to joining and getting some of my work up!
I guess Pinterest isn't quite a social media platform like Facebook is - Pinterest is actually described as a 'catalog of ideas' and is fantastic for finding inspiration. Since joining I have already found a huge amount of content that is really inspirational for my own photography work!
I am based in Melbourne's eastern suburbs in Ferntree Gully. Being a photographer, Pinterest is quite a big deal since it is image-based. A few times I have had customers come to a photo shoot and show me some photo ideas they have found on Pinterest that they really like. Obviously a customer will book me based on already liking my work that they see on my website, but it's understandable that sometimes people may have seen something a little bit different that they would like to try. Although I won't copy another photographer's work, it's great to understand what angle a customer is coming from and then create my own take on it. With photography being a visual medium, it is so much easier to show an idea with a photograph rather than try to explain it - and Pinterest is perfect for this!
The thing I love most about Pinterest is how you can create boards and categorise them with your own ideal titles. You can therefore 'pin' posts and photos that interest you and always have the opportunity to go back to that post. You therefore save time trying to find a post again because it is saved (if you 'pin' it) and the ideas are always at your fingertips to look at again. You also have the opportunity to create 'secret boards' so they are for your eyes only, or you can make your boards public so others have access to them.
So now it's time for me to upload lots of my own photographs for others to get inspiration from! Oh, and also work out how to integrate those little red pins onto my website... next mission set!
Please check out the Kiddy Kats Photography page on Pinterest and follow me!
(image below from one of my Pinterest boards on TWINS)
