Ryan's first year captured as part of my Watch Me Grow program

As soon as Ryan's Mum Suzanne enquired about a Newborn Photography Session for her baby boy, I had a hunch that this was going to be special. She actually booked a newborn session months before Ryan was due to arrive. Through chatting to her on the phone, I discovered Suzanne was super organised and very easy to get along with, plus she lived literally a few blocks away from my studio in Ferntree Gully!
I next heard from Suzanne once Ryan had been born and she informed me that Ryan had been ill since birth. As I said before, I had a hunch Ryan was special and this was just proven by hearing about him already being a little battler and surviving.
Ryan had to stay in hospital to be observed so I couldn't photograph him until he was 3 weeks old. Every now and then a circumstance will come up like this, and it is important to me to be both understanding and flexible to ensure both Mum and bubs are healthy and happy for their photo shoot. During Ryan's newborn photo shoot I made sure I was extra observant with him, but luckily I didn't see any signs of him being unwell. It turns out he was absolutely perfect during his photo shoot! We achieved a great variety of photographs including photos of him with his grandparents, who popped by quickly.
When I asked Suzanne if she would like Ryan to take part in my new Watch Me Grow program it didn't take her long to reply and accept. This program is aimed at capturing babies throughout their first year, from newborn then at 4, 8 and 12 months old:
4 Months - Watch Me Smile. At this stage, your baby is full of big smiles and giggles! They have an amazing range of face expressions which are all adorable. They are also learning tummy time and this gives a great photograph!
8 Months - Watch Me Sit. At 8 months old most babies are sitting on their own or sitting with little assistance. They are also grabbing their toes and interacting really well with others. Their personality is really starting to show and I can achieve a great variety of photographs!
One Year - Watch Me Stand / Happy 1st Birthday! By now you will be so proud of your little one and the milestones they are achieving. Most babies are standing with assistance and some are taking their first steps. They have also probably grown an attachment to a particular toy and their personality is shining through with their likes and dislikes!
I just loved photographing Ryan throughout his first year and watching him grow and change! He is such a happy little boy with big smiles, which was evident even from a newborn! The first two photographs taken at newborn and 4 months old and in the same position were a surprise fluke! - but look at that little smirk as a newborn then his big smile at 4 months old! Too cute!
At 8 months old Ryan was still full of smiles but also other adorable expressions, such as below. Babies have so many different face expressions as they grow and being able to capture most of them so their parents can remember these forever is so precious.
At 12 months old Ryan was still his happy self and had great fun playing with the balloons and the 'O-N-E' blocks. It was really special seeing him reach his one year milestone and to see him as a strong and healthy little boy.
I honestly don't think there is any looking back from now on, Ryan will just keep surprising Mum and making her proud!
